10 tips on getting a promotion

10 tips on getting a promotion

If you attended my session on Developing a Career Strategy on ADP last Saturday, thank you. It was a great turnout. I learned a lot from the questions; they gave me ideas for iterating upon my content. A nice bonus was making new connections, even with people who couldn't make it. I've decided not to post a recording. In the future, I'm working towards a course and expanding into coaching.

My manager went on a three-week vacation last Friday, and right before she left, she made me the lead for a 3-day on-site conference in Seattle. 😳 I'll be in Seattle May 15-19. After that, I'm taking my mom on our first vacation together since HS to Hawaii. Pray I survive this trip. 🌱

My promotion went through at the beginning of the month. I delayed my manager's attempt to promote me in 2022 due to health reasons. I was sad about my decision to turn it down but had to. When the promotion was announced, everybody wanted to know. "What do you have to do?"